The Women of the Hidden Valley – A Culinary Experience
By Elisa Spampinato This is the story of the invisible traditional communities of Brazil, hidden in the Ribeira Valley. The story of brave women, empowered by their own culinary culture. In the Ribeira Valley, an area of more than ten million square miles, there are 88 Quilombolas communities, direct descendants of the former slaves taken from Africa […]
The Route to Freedom goes through the Quilombos
The following article is a contribution by our associate Elisa Spampinato and tells of her experience along the Rota da Liberdade in Brazil. To read the full-length account, please visit Elisa’s blog. The Rota da Liberdade or Route to Freedom Project is a collaborative and participative community-based tourism project located in the historical district of […]
The women of the Jequitinhonha Valley
A guest blog by Elisa Spampinato Fighting with art for their independence The Jequitinhonha Valley (in Minas Gerais, Brazil), once a prosperous region whose economy was driven by the gold mines, today is one of the poorest areas in Brazil. Poor only from an economic perspective – very rich in culture and humanity. The inhabitants […]