International Women’s Day 2022
Tomorrow marks International Women’s Day, a vital date in the diary for so many organisations like us who advocate for gender equality. The theme for 2022 is #BreakTheBias. It asks us to consider our experiences of gender bias and what we can do to break it. Our answer: Every woman has a story.
In 2021 we spoke to women in tourism across 6 continents, asking them #5Questions4Change centred around challenging experiences, the industry and tourists. This year we have joined forces with our associates (individuals and organisations around the world who share our values) to champion women’s voices on 3 aspects of bias: internalised bias, bias within the industry and changes for the future.
Reflections from around the world
Over the next four days we will be releasing stories and reflections from all over the world to reflect one key message: gender bias is everywhere. But there is hope. At Equality in Tourism, we work to inspire changes in policy and practice in tourism to create a fairer world for women every single day.
Our #BreakTheBias campaign aims to do just that, by providing a platform for women in tourism to share their experiences and inspire us on the path to change. The coming week will take us all over the world, from Indonesia to Croatia; from London to Kenya and further afield.