Give today and help us create real and lasting change for women.

Any amount you choose to donate will ultimately help us invest in sustainable and resilient farming infrastructure, and help our sisters escape poverty.

  • £25 could provide sufficient seed for each of the new project women. 
  • £50 could provide farming training or women’s empowerment training for a day.
  • £75 will cover the cost of paying for water rights.
  • £250 will go a long way towards buying two new green houses to help mitigate against climate change.
  • £1000 will provide a solar energy well that will also provide electricity.

Uk Bank accounts


If you prefer to write a cheque, these can be addressed to Equality in Tourism International, at 6 Tremlett Grove, N19 5JX, UK. Please include a signed Gift Aid Form if applicable.




International Bank Accounts

Those donors outside of the UK who are unable to use the Wonderful bank transfer, we would be grateful if you could donate directly into Equality in Tourism’s bank account:

Account Holder:  Equality in Tourism International


Account No: 65862089

Sort Code: 08-92-99

IBAN:    GB46CPBK08929965862089


Address 1 Balloon Street, Manchester, M60 4EP

120 Tanzanian women are farming for their future

Together with our partner organisation, KWIECO, the entrepreneurial spirit of local women and your support we have already achieved so much. Now it’s time to do more. Please support our new fundraising effort to continue to run this ground-breaking project in Tanzania.

The Challenge

For three years we have been running our innovative project in the heart of the Tanzanian tourist district. Here, women, children, and their families are often living in extreme poverty, earning what they can by selling small produce at market by the bucket, the bushel, or the bunch. The competition is high and the reliability of income is poor.

Flip this to include the luxury hotels, all-inclusive safaris, and nearly 500,000 tourists who, in normal circumstances come to Tanzania every year, and we have stark image of inequality and imbalance.

In spite of 80% of the Tanzanian workforce being engaged in agriculture work, hardly any of these tourist hotspots buy local produce for their hotels. Most of the people who farm are women – and most of these women are the main breadwinner, caregiver, and home maker. Yet women in Tanzania have little decision-making power in either at home or in their communities.  This is what Empowering Women Farmers Through Tourism was established to change.

Tourism is not on the horizon of most funders.  That the project has achieved so much is through the generosity of its supporters and our successful crowdfunding campaigns that both kickstarted it and got it back on its feet after climate change devastated three cycles of crops.  Because we believe so strongly in it, all the time our Equality in Tourism team have invested in it has been unpaid.  This includes most of the expenses too. The crowdfunding has been just enough for Women Farming For Their Future itself.

Tanzania Project Image Gallery

The Solution

We are always looking for changemakers. People, like you and us, who have opened our eyes to the world around us and want to invest our time, energy, and money in something that transforms the status quo for the better.

Designed and managed locally, this transformative project is empowering women to increase their own financial freedoms and be able to make stronger decisions for their businesses, their homes, and their roles in the community.

Much as already been achieved, but now the Covid-19 pandemic has posed new challenges which we need to meet head on.

We need you!

Join our tribe of changemakers today and help us secure this future, together.

In November 2017 we launched our very first crowdfunding campaign, which raised £16,600 in just 35 days to take the first group of 30 farmers through from training to first sales. We managed to raise that money with the generous support of individuals and organisations alike.

In December 2019 we launched our second crowdfunding campaign, which raised £25,000 to buy greenhouses, drip irrigation, pumps, tanks, a vehicle, a laptop and salaries to enable the new WAMBOMA Co-operative to overcome the challenges of erratic weather patterns that caused havoc to their crops.

Now we are asking you to support these intrepid women once more.

120 local farmers have already improved their livelihoods so much – but now the impacts of the global pandemic has put tourism into lockdown.  Their market has closed.  Their crops are first class and they’ve had to return to the market place and now are lucky if they can sell their cops without loss.  Some have even rotted waiting for buyers because the competition is so fierce. They have food security for the first time in their lives.  Most have tiny enterprises that are now critical to their families.  They are no longer able to save in their highly valued microfinance scheme. Funding is always a struggle but we must continue to support these women as they build a sustainable supply network from scratch. Please, will you help?

Give today and help us create real and lasting change for women.

  • £10 will pay for one session for men to understand and respect women’s rights
  • £25 will pay for one training session to dry fruit and veg
  • £50 will pay for one Covid-19 sanitising station
  • £100 will contribute towards creating a website to market the enterprise
  • £350 will pay for a solar drying table for the fruit and veg to protect women’s livelihoods

Any amount you choose to donate will ultimately help us invest in sustainable and resilient farming infrastructure, and help our sisters escape poverty. Asante Sana from all of us.

Please add Gift Aid to your donation, by filling out and returning the form:

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